在这种情况下,主要有两种方式来训练“深度”网络,一种是进行“权共享(weights sharing)”,比如我们本文介绍的CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)就是这样;另一种解决方式就是使用限制Boltzmann机,进行逐层无监督训练,最后使用反向传播算法进行整个系统的微调。
CNN在图像特征提取发挥着有效作用,RNN(Recurrent Neural Network)则在自然语言领域同样展现了显著的有效性。在这篇文章中,将介绍并训练一个CNN模型,之后将介绍RNN和LSTM.
0.Multi-Level Perceptron
(1)首先我们构建更新方程 ,这里以同时考虑了更新率和梯度两方面优化的更新方程Adadelta 为例:我们知道AdaGrad改进了学习速度,其为所有历史梯度的平方和,因此随着学习进行,学习速率是逐渐下降的,而Adadelta则部分保留新产生的梯度平方和。
使用Theano中的Share Variable来定义变量,该变量会在执行theano.function的updates参数中实现更新。
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np
def adadelta ( cost , params , lr , rho ):
gparams = T . grad ( cost , params )
updates = []
epsilon = 1e-5
accs = [ theano . shared ( value = np . zeros_like ( p . get_value ()) . astype ( theano . config .
floatX )) for p in params ]
delat_accs = [ theano . shared ( value = np . zeros_like ( p . get_value ()) . astype ( theano .
config . floatX )) for p in params ]
for param , gparam , acc , delta_acc in zip ( params , gparams , accs , delat_accs ):
acc_new = rho * acc + ( 1 - rho ) * ( gparam ** 2 )
update = gparam * T . sqrt ( delta_acc + epsilon ) / T . sqrt ( acc_new + epsilon )
param_new = param - lr * update
delta_acc_new = rho * delta_acc + ( 1 - rho ) * ( update ** 2 )
updates . append (( acc , acc_new ))
updates . append (( param , param_new ))
updates . append (( delta_acc , delta_acc_new ))
return updates
(2).定义MLP模型的基本参数,以及在后续构建模型所需要的cost, update以及error 。
class HiddenLayer :
def __init__ ( self , input , n_input , n_output , W = None , b = None , activation = T . nnet . relu ):
self . input = input
self . n_input = n_input
self . n_output = n_output
if not W :
W = np . random . uniform ( low = - np . sqrt ( 6.0 / ( n_input + n_output )), high = np . sqrt ( 6.0 / ( n_input + n_output )), size = ( n_input , n_output )) . astype ( theano . config . floatX )
self . W = theano . shared ( value = W , name = 'W' , borrow = True )
if not b :
b = np . zeros ( shape = ( n_output ,)) . astype ( theano . config . floatX )
self . b = theano . shared ( value = b , name = 'b' , borrow = True )
self . params = [ self . W , self . b ]
self . output = activation ( T . dot ( input , self . W ) + self . b )
class SoftmaxLayer :
def __init__ ( self , input , n_input , n_output ):
self . input = input
self . n_input = n_input
self . n_output = n_output
self . W = theano . shared ( value = np . zeros ( shape = ( n_input , n_output )) . astype ( theano . config . floatX ), name = 'W' , borrow = True )
self . b = theano . shared ( value = np . zeros ( shape = ( n_output , )) . astype ( theano . config . floatX ), name = 'b' , borrow = True )
self . params = [ self . W , self . b ]
self . p_y_given_x = T . nnet . softmax ( T . dot ( self . input , self . W ) + self . b )
self . p_pred = T . argmax ( self . p_y_given_x , axis = 1 )
def cross_entropy ( self , y ):
return - T . mean ( T . log ( self . p_y_given_x )[ T . arange ( y . shape [ 0 ]), y ])
def error_rate ( self , y ):
return T . mean ( T . neq ( self . p_pred , y ))
class MLP :
def __init__ ( self , input , n_input , n_hiddens , n_output , activation = T . nnet . relu ):
self . input = input
self . n_input = n_input
self . n_output = n_output
self . n_hiddens = n_hiddens
layers = [ n_input ] + n_hiddens + [ n_output ]
self . hidden_layers = []
weight_matrix_size = zip ( layers [: - 1 ], layers [ 1 :])
data = input
for n_in , n_out in weight_matrix_size [: - 1 ]:
self . hidden_layers . append ( HiddenLayer ( data , n_in , n_out ))
data = self . hidden_layers [ - 1 ] . output
n_in , n_out = weight_matrix_size [ - 1 ]
self . output_layer = SoftmaxLayer ( data , n_in , n_out )
self . params = []
for hidden in self . hidden_layers :
self . params = self . params + hidden . params
self . params = self . params + self . output_layer . params
def get_cost_updates ( self , y , lr , reg , optimizer_fun ):
cost = self . output_layer . cross_entropy ( y )
L = 0.0
for hidden in self . hidden_layers :
L += ( hidden . W ** 2 ) . sum ()
L += ( self . output_layer . W ** 2 ) . sum ()
cost += reg * L
updates = optimizer_fun ( cost , self . params , lr )
return ( cost , updates )
def error_rate ( self , y ):
return self . output_layer . error_rate ( y )
(3) 搭建Theano计算图模型 。
train_x , train_y
test_x , test_y
train_set_size , input_n = train_x . shape
test_set_size , _ = test_x . shape
# place holder
x = T . matrix ( 'x' ) . astype ( theano . config . floatX )
y = T . ivector ( 'y' )
lr = T . scalar ( 'lr' , dtype = theano . config . floatX )
reg = T . scalar ( 'reg' , dtype = theano . config . floatX )
batch_size = 100
n_train_batch = train_set_size // batch_size
n_test_batch = test_set_size // batch_size
output_n = 10
model = MLP ( x , input_n , [ 1000 , 1000 ], output_n )
cost , updates = model . get_cost_updates ( y , lr , reg , adadelta )
train_model = theano . function ( inputs = [ x , y , lr , reg ], outputs = cost , updates = updates )
train_error = theano . function ( inputs = [ x , y , lr , reg ], outputs = model . error_rate ( y ), on_unused_input = 'ignore' )
test_error = theano . function ( inputs = [ x , y , lr , reg ], outputs = model . error_rate ( y ), on_unused_input = 'ignore' )
idx = np . arange ( train_set_size )
for epoch in range ( 500 ):
np . random . shuffle ( idx )
new_train_x = [ train_x [ i ] for i in idx ]
new_train_y = [ train_y [ i ] for i in idx ]
for batch_index in range ( n_train_batch ):
train_model ( new_train_x [ batch_index * batch_size :( batch_index + 1 ) * batch_size ],
new_train_y [ batch_index * batch_size :( batch_index + 1 ) * batch_size ],
0.1 , 0.0 )
test_errors = [ test_error ( test_x [ n_test_index * batch_size :( n_test_index + 1 ) * batch_size ], test_y [ n_test_index * batch_size :( n_test_index + 1 ) * batch_size ], 0.1 , 0.0 ) for n_test_index in range ( n_test_batch )]
如果使用Keras定义相同的MLP模型, 仅需要下属几行代码便可以完成上述所有功能。
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.optimizers import Adadelta
import keras
from utls import load_cifar10
train_x , train_y = load_cifar10 ( './cifar10/train/' )
test_x , test_y = load_cifar10 ( './cifar10/test/' )
train_x = train_x / 255.0
test_x = test_x / 255.0
train_y = keras . utils . to_categorical ( train_y , 10 )
test_y = keras . utils . to_categorical ( test_y , 10 )
model = Sequential ()
model . add ( Dense ( 1000 , activation = 'relu' , input_dim = train_x . shape [ 1 ]))
model . add ( Dense ( 1000 , activation = 'relu' ))
model . add ( Dense ( 10 , activation = 'softmax' ))
optimizer = Adadelta ( lr = 0.1 , rho = 0.95 , epsilon = 1e-5 , decay = 0.0 )
model . compile ( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' ,
optimizer = optimizer ,
metrics = [ 'accuracy' ])
model . fit ( train_x , train_y ,
epochs = 30 ,
batch_size = 100 )
score = model . evaluate ( test_x , test_y , batch_size = 100 )
1.Convolutional Neural Network
从仿生学的角度思考,我们获取图像时,是由一系列的神经元网络状连接而成,从串联的角度是由一系列由低级神经元(获取图像基本的像素信息)到高级神经元(抽象能力逐步增强),从并联的角度,在低级神经元层,横向来看又有无数低级神经元连接而成,这些神经元负责不同的图像采集区域。由这些低级神经元和高级神经元共同组成cnn的conv layer。而从“视网膜”,到“中枢组织”再到“大脑的视觉皮层(又分为初级高级)”相当于由若干的conv layer,这样就组成了信息逐层处理的cnn。
2.Recurrent Neural Network
无论是卷积神经网络(cnn)还是全连接神经网络(fully connected network), forward过程中,隐层中每一层的输入都是仅来自上一层,信息是逐层传递的,但我们体验文本阅读时,上下文的关联相比与图像识别的需求更高了。我们理解一个词的含义时,不仅不要这个词本身(一个词本身也是具有许多种含义的),同时需要来自上下文的支持,因此修正之前神经网络模型的仅从上一层获取输入,增加本层间信息流的输入,就产生了循环神经网络(recurrent nn, 后文中rnn特指recurrent nn, 而非recursive nn),接下来我将介绍一种特殊的RNN:LSTM.
3.Long Short Term Memory
一方面,较长的语句中,前后句间的word间隔过远,信息保留较少,比如:“云在‘天空’中”,‘天空’这个词很容易通过‘云’这个词来锁定,RNN对该情形也能较好地覆盖;但“我生活在法国,所以说一口流利的’法语‘”中,法语与法国间隔较远,存在明显的gap,如果关联词间的gap较大,RNN已经不能有效地关联相关信息.所以RNN只能较好地处理“short term”的情形。
另一方面,由于RNN自身结构的原因(大量的weights),较小的weights经常造成梯度弥散现象(gradient vanishing),梯度弥散现象进一步加剧了‘long term memory’的难度,较大的weights则会造成gradient exploding。
这里于是引入LSTM的概念,首先,从层内的横向角度来看,区别于RNN中横向传来的一个,这里增加一个横向传递的变量cell state: ,用以“线性”地保留上文信息(在传统RNN中经过一个激活函数的非线性变换为)。
接下来我们来决定什么新信息要被加入到中,经过运算就变成了 ()
3. Implement of LSTM
这里我们以Language Model为例使用Tensorflow来介绍LSTM的使用。 Language Model是NLP领域经常要用到的Model,比如将语音专为文本的应用场景下,常常会评估一个句子出现的概率,比如说“我今天吃了肯德基”这句话的概率应该比“肯德基今天吃了我”要大。为了做到这种概率的评估,一种常见的方式是给出前面几个字,我们要估计下一个单词出现在这里的概率。
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# input: hihell
idx2char = [ 'h' , 'i' , 'e' , 'l' , 'o' ]
x_one_hot = [[[ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], # h 0
[ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], # i 1
[ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], # h 0
[ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ], # e 2
[ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ], # l 3
[ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ]]] # l 3
# output: ihello
y_data = [[ 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 4 ]] # ihello
num_classes = 5
input_dim = 5 # one-hot size
hidden_size = 5 # output from the LSTM. 5 to directly predict one-hot
batch_size = 1 # one sentence
sequence_length = 6 # |ihello| == 6
learning_rate = 0.1
X = tf . placeholder ( tf . float32 , [ None , sequence_length , input_dim ])
Y = tf . placeholder ( tf . int32 , [ None , sequence_length ])
# Feed to RNN
cell = tf . contrib . rnn . BasicLSTMCell ( num_units = hidden_size , state_is_tuple = True , activation = tf . nn . relu )
initial_state = cell . zero_state ( batch_size , tf . float32 )
outputs , _states = tf . nn . dynamic_rnn ( cell , X , initial_state = initial_state , dtype = tf . float32 )
# FC layer
X_for_fc = tf . reshape ( outputs , [ - 1 , hidden_size ])
# outputs = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(
# inputs=X_for_fc, num_outputs=num_classes, activation_fn=None)
softmax_w = tf . get_variable ( "softmax_w" , [ hidden_size , num_classes ])
softmax_b = tf . get_variable ( "softmax_b" ,[ num_classes ])
outputs = tf . matmul ( X_for_fc , softmax_w ) + softmax_b
# reshape out for sequence_loss
outputs = tf . reshape ( outputs , [ batch_size , sequence_length , num_classes ])
weights = tf . ones ([ batch_size , sequence_length ])
sequence_loss = tf . contrib . seq2seq . sequence_loss ( logits = outputs , targets = Y , weights = weights )
loss = tf . reduce_mean ( sequence_loss )
optimizer = tf . train . AdamOptimizer ( learning_rate = 0.1 ) . minimize ( loss )
prediction = tf . argmax ( outputs , axis = 2 )
with tf . Session () as sess :
sess . run ( tf . global_variables_initializer ())
for i in range ( 2000 ):
l , _ = sess . run ([ loss , optimizer ], feed_dict = { X : x_one_hot , Y : y_data })
outputs_ , result_ = sess . run ([ outputs , prediction ], feed_dict = { X : x_one_hot })
if i % 100 == 0 :
print ( i , "loss: " , l , "outputs: " , outputs_ , "prediction: " , result_ , "true Y:" , y_data )
result_str = [ idx2char [ c ] for c in np . squeeze ( result_ )]
print ( " \t Prediction str:" , '' . join ( result_str ))
Christopher Olah colah’s blog
Tensorflow Recurrent Neural Networks